
The Water Security Challenge

Critical water industries that underpin economic activity and liveability in Australia’s cities and regions are grappling with an enormous water security challenge. Growing populations, food production and industrial activities coupled with increasingly uncertain and variable climate conditions are placing demands on already stressed water supplies and waterways that are more vulnerable to the impacts of drought, floods and fire. The liveability, prosperity and environmental values of our cities, towns and communities are at risk.

Infrastructure centric solutions alone will not be able to meet these challenges, and well-integrated and collaborative research and implementation approaches across communities, industry and governments are needed to create holistic, multi-benefit solutions for water security. The Water Security CRC provides integrated research aimed at safeguarding Australia’s economic and environmental future through addressing the knowledge and training needs of the water industry to ensure adequate, safe and affordable water services for consumers and industry in cities and regions.

Our approach

Our Purpose

The proposed Water Security Cooperative Research Centre (Water Security CRC) aims to address key research and training needs identified by the water sector and, in doing so, support the development of new commercial opportunities for businesses engaged with the water industry.

The CRC will provide a key mechanism and forum where water service providers, peak bodies, relevant government agencies and university researchers can come to together to assist the secure, efficient, productive and resilient water systems. All options for securing our water security future will be considered.

Our Research Programs

The CRC bid team has proposed four broad Program areas to coordinate our research activities. One will explore innovative solutions for Safe and reliable water systems, with a particular focus on challenges for regional centres and remote communities. The second will take a broader catchment perspective to the water security challenge, focused on Optimising investments in blue/green infrastructure‘. These will be supported by a cross-cutting IT focused program, which aims to Harness the value of water and catchment information, and underpinned by a program aimed at facilitating the pathways to impact by Enabling sector transformation.

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Be Part of the Opportunity

The Water Security CRC is industry, utilities, government and the research sector collaboratively addressing the challenges of infrastructure and water availability that underpin the future economic prosperity of rural communities, regional towns and major cities across Australia.

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